Capote2Verre Blog

Chemical submission, a unisex phenomenon: the case of @justem0ha
Male Victims: An Ignored Phenomenon Although reported cases of chemical submission primarily involve women , it is essential to understand that men, too, are victims of this form of violence . The invisibility of male victims contributes to reinforcing taboos...
Chemical Submission: What Should I Do If I Am a Victim?
An observation: Chemical submission is a major risk in party environments, where psychoactive substances are discreetly added to drinks without the victims' consent. This type of aggression, often associated with the use of drugs such as GHB , Ketamine and...
Sandrine Josso: “Chemical submission is the perfect crime”
During our meeting with Sandrine Josso , the MP shared her commitment to the fight against chemical submission and her desire to protect citizens against this often ignored phenomenon. She stressed the importance of making these prevention devices accessible to...
How to protect your glass in the evening?
The increase in cases of chemical submission has created the need to secure drinks at parties to prevent any introduction of unwanted substances. Let's tackle this topic with this article.
Capote2Verre at the Olympic Games!
The Capote2Verre team visited Club France during the last weekend of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, where they distributed their protections; the public's reactions can be found in the videos...
Capote2Verre? What is it?

Capote2Verre is a reusable silicone cap that protects beverage glasses from harmful substances, reducing the risk of chemical submission in party environments. Its team is leading an awareness mission on the dangers of chemical submission and offers demonstrations of its effectiveness on social networks and YouTube.

CAPOTE2VERRE - Who are we?

Capote2Verre, founded by Tanguy in response to the alarming increase in cases of chemical submission in France, offers an innovative solution: a reusable silicone glass protector to prevent the addition of harmful substances in drinks. This initiative aims to increase safety at parties and festivals, allowing participants to fully enjoy the events without fear.